Evidence &
Neurofeedback is at the forefront of combating mental health, backed by groundbreaking extensive research. Here is some of that research pertaining to the categories of treatment offered by NeuroNetix:
Attention & Concentration
A Systematic Review published in Psychological Medicine found Neurofeedback improved the symptoms associated with ADHD in children.
Similarly, a Meta-Analysis, revealed the effectiveness of neurofeedback treatment on adult ADHD, as did a Systematic Review published by the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.
An Evidence based review, found Neurofeedback, a valid option for the treatment for ADHD
Emotional Regulation
A 2023 Review of Neurofeedback as a therapeutic intervention to treat depression, identified Neurofeedback training as an effective intervention tool, and a supplementary treatment for depression.
Research published in Psychological Medicine concluded from the self-reports of participants that Neurofeedback, as an adjunctive therapy, was effective in lowering depressive symptoms.
Results of a 2021 study revealed that Neurofeedback helped improve emotional regulation and significantly lowered anxiety and depressive symptoms.
A 2019 literature review found Neurofeedback Neurofeedback effective in improving emotion regulation
A recent study published by the IEEE (Advancing Technology for Humanity) found neurofeedback training could be a promising tool for helping people with emotional regulation
Neurofeedback has also been found to have significant effects on Anxiety, Depression, and Emotion Regulation in people with generalized anxiety disorder
Stress Management
Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) demonstrates the specificity of NF learning in stress management.
A Comparative Analysis of Different Stimulus Contents verified the significance of stress mitigation with Neurofeedback.
An Efficacy Evaluation found Neurofeedback training increases self regulation to relieve anxiety.
A Comprehensive and Critical Summary published by the IEEE (Advancing Technology for Humanity) found Neurofeedback to have significant improvement in reducing stress level.
A Systematic Review of Neurofeedback training published by Psychology & Neuroscience showed promising results for cognitive performance improvement
Peak Performance
The Use of Neurofeedback in Sports Training: Systematic Review.
A Meta-analysis published Psychology of Sport and Exercise found significant effects of Neurofeedback Training for sport performance.
Validation of Neurofeedback training for optimising performance and creativity in performing arts.
Findings published by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found Neurofeedback gets you in the zone by enhancing task performance.
Neurofeedback in a high performance brain can significantly activate the prefrontal cortical areas associated with increasing confidence in sport performance.
A Study with Olympic Athletes, published by The Sports Psychologist found Neurofeedback training useful in enabling athletes to perform optimally, in both training and competition, on a consistent basis.
Sleep & Fatigue
A 2021 Review of Neurofeedback for insomnia published in World Journal of Psychiatry, showed a clear improvement of subjective sleep.
A Comparative Study with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy found Neurofeedback effective in reducing the symptoms of insomnia.
A Study published by Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, replicated Earlier Findings that identified Neurofeedback training as effective in reducing the symptoms of insomnia.
Headaches & Migrains
Neurofeedback and biofeedback with 37 migraineurs: a Clinical outcome study
QEEG-guided neurofeedback appears to be dramatically effective in abolishing or significantly reducing headache frequency in patients with recurrent migraine.
An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Neurofeedback found a significant reductions in the frequency, severity, and duration of headaches.
Pain Management
Findings in a Systematic Review indicate that Neurofeedback procedures have the potential for reducing pain and improving other related outcomes in individuals with chronic pain.
Learning Disorders/Behavioural Mangement
An EEG Power-Spectrum Analysis on the effect Neurofeedback on the Working Memory of Children with Learning Disorders has shown improvements in cognitive-behavioral indices and diminished EEG abnormalities.
A 2012 study showed significant improvement in handwriting for all 24 participants who undertook Neurofeedback training.
A 2012 study on the effectiveness of Neurofeedback training in children with reading disabilities, showed significant improvement in reading and phonological awareness skills.
A randomised controlled trial published in 2009 showed considerable improvement in spelling following Neurofeedback training.
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