
The field of neuroscience is exploding, leading to a new understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of Neurofeedback.

This progress is paving the way for a paradigm shift in mental health.

What does the science say?

The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) published ‘Evidence-Based Practice in Biofeedback and Neurofeedback (3rd Ed.) the most comprehensive review of all the research, assessed the level of evidence for Neurofeedback for numerous disorders and provided a ranking system, rating their levels of efficacy. 39 different disorders, the list below is limited to some of the most common conditions

Note: Lower efficacy ratings do not necessarily indicate that an intervention is not helpful. In some cases a lower rating has been applied because the relevant research has not yet been conducted. In other cases, a lower rating means that the application benefits some subjects and not others because of wide inter-subject variability. If people cannot tolerate medication-based treatments, or if people wish to avoid medication if possible, then “Possibly Efficacious” (Level 2) rated neurofeedback and biofeedback therapies may be reasonable alternatives.

Reach out to us

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Jennifer Gerada

MSc (Psych), BA (Hons), QEEG-DC, BCIA Didactic Certification